Did also the indictment contain the Nokia-boxes?
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At the beginning of 2012 the prosecution was brought. The Nokia-box count was based on exclusively and solely Zsolt Balogh’s contradictory statements. The indictment[1] of course contains the case of the Nokia-boxes, however interestingly the Nokia-boxes themselves are not mentioned. In the indictment issued carelessly and inaccurately has a reference only to the 15-15 million forints which was delivered to Hagyó on a yearly basis. Any other details on the location, the time or other circumstances are not mentioned in it. The term „Nokia-box” does not occur in the text at all.
What does the indictment exactly say about the Nokia-box?
Literally the following:
Miklós Hagyó, first accused, as the Deputy Lord Mayor of Urban Management and Asset Management of the Budapest Municipality, abusing his official position in March 2008 instructed Zsolt József Balogh, fourth accused, as the Chief Executive Officer of the BKV to deliver 15 million forints to him on a yearly basis.
In order to emphasize his claim, Miklós Hagyó, first accused, threaten Zsolt József Balogh, four accused: in case Balogh would refuse the delivery of the money, he reveals that in December 2007 at the request of his Balogh issued an improper certificate of completion to C.C. Soft Ltd. With his threatens and continuous aggressive and authoritative behavior Miklós Hagyó, first accused, caused fear in Zsolt József, four accused, who delivered 15 million forints as unfair benefit to Miklós Hagyó, first accused, in both 2008 and 2009.
That is all?
Nothing concrete?
But I guess it was not the only base for the indictment.
Yes, it was…
[1] The Original Indictment - http://hagyomiklos.com/en/content/original-indictment#overlay-context=en